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August 13, 2012 / mommy brain

T is half Canadian which makes him twice as awesome

We had a great week on Prince Edward Island with G’s family! Yes, G is from the home of Anne of Green Gables.

When I first met him, and he told me where he grew up, I said, “you mean PEI where Anne of Green Gables is from?!” and he told me that he had never met an American girl who knew about Anne. I told him he was hanging out with the wrong girls (obviously they were all skanky hos). Anne is the smart girl’s heroine. She was the nerdy girl who knew how to have a good time, too, and her antics all went down on PEI, which now benefits from the crowds of Asian girls who all swarm there to see Green Gables, or the house that Lucy Maud Montgomery, the author, spent time in. I had to see it, too, when G took me to PEI for the first time, and he took me to the Anne of Green Gables musical even though he was super embarrassed to be there because the locals are way too cool for that sort of thing. This was before we were married. Obviously.

Besides Green Gables, PEI is also known for, among other things, gorgeous beaches, lobster and Cow’s ice cream, all things I like a lot, so I am always happy to spend time there. And I love G’s family, and we had a great time hanging out with G’s dad, sisters, and their families, and various other family members and friends who came by to visit this past week.

G’s dad has an awesome backyard, and T loved roaming all over it and exploring with his cousins.

And he got to spend lots of time with his Gampie!

We went to the beach four times. And T ingested a few kilos (not pounds since we were in Canada) of sand and salt water.

We spent one of the mornings at Shining Waters amusement park, where T rode a merry-go-round and a water slide for the first time. I have to admit, parts of this park were a tad on the creepy side, like I totally expected a scary clown to jump out and grab me, and a few of the rides looked like they’ve been around for a little too long, but T thought it was all amazing and had a great time.

T also spent some quality time with his newest cousin, AND he said “baby” a few times. This was a big surprise for me since I’ve never tried to get him to say “baby.” I try, with varying success, to get him to say “kitty” a lot, but I’ve never encouraged “baby.” Of course, he’s heard us say “baby” when pointing to babies. Anyway, it was very cute to see him interact with his littlest cousin. He seemed very happy to check him out and point to his nose and belly.

And more time at the beach.

And some crazy beach hair.

T worked on his badminton game, stealing a racket from his aunt or cousin every time they weren’t looking. I’m not going to encourage this, though, since we learned during these Olympics that badminton is way too cutthroat for way too little glory. T did not get disqualified in Grampie’s backyard because he was definitely “trying” to play. No bad sportsmanship here!

The day before we took off, we went on an adventure to the easternmost edge of the island to check out Basin Head beach where T had a great time eating more sand and watching teenagers jump off the pier, and we went on to the East Point Lighthouse.

Then sadly, vacation was over, but we’re looking forward to seeing Grampie, the cousins, aunts, and uncles again soon!

The trip home went smoothly. T slept a lot during the flights and was happy to read airplane magazines when he was awake. He was also happy to jump up and down on my lap, and it’s pretty challenging trying to keep him from grabbing at the seat in front of me (I know people LOVE it when toddlers kick and grab at their seats, right?), but other than that, he was a pretty easy traveling baby (even when United does everything in their power to make life suck). When we got home, G and I went to bed crazy early bracing for him to be up in the middle of the night due to the time change (so we did not get a chance to catch up on the 2 Breaking Bad episodes we missed…), but he surprised us and slept till after 5:30AM. Not too shabby after a week three times zones away. Let’s hope he’s back to 6:30-7AM wake-up times later this week!


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  1. auntie m / Aug 13 2012 3:55 PM

    Whatcha talking about crazy beach hair?? Don’t you mean awesome curly hair that is strikingly similar to a certain auntie’s?! Looks like T had lots of fun in Canada!! Also, as a fan of badminton myself, I am glad to see I will have a future playing partner at family activities. Will have to encourage mom and dad to set up a court in their backyard 🙂

  2. mommy brain / Aug 14 2012 10:47 AM

    I didn’t mean to imply that crazy beach hair is not awesome 🙂 T definitely inherited his auntie’s gorgeous curls. Mom and dad had a badminton court set up in their backyard last time we were there! T was not as good at stealing rackets back then, but G and dad had some intense matches that weekend.


  1. Anne of Green Gables – Roald Smeets | Roald Smeets Books

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